Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life Lessons

There are things in life that teach you lessons...
  IF you stick your hand on a hot stove-top, it will burn you
  IF you wash a red sock in with your white clothes, they will turn pink.
  IF you use salt in a recipe instead of sugar, it will taste nasty.

I am now in my twenties; I understand that it is not extremely old, but I have lived in a few places in my 21 years of existence. I have two loving and God-fearing parents who have worked really hard to teach me the roadmap to life; how to be a respectful and God-loving young woman. As I come near the end of my college phase of my life and stare career life in the face, I realize my parents did a good job of doing their best to prepare me for this thing we like to call life. But there are sometimes things that parents just can't teach you; things it takes living on your own and away from home and getting into the world to learn.
There are a few life lessons I have had to learn the hard way. And lets be real, sometimes the hard way is the only way that we truly learn a life lesson. So here are a few:
  1. Not everyone is going to treat you with respect.
    My parents taught me to treat others the way I wanted to be treated; however, not everyone's parents taught them the same lesson.
  2. College professors do not care what high school you went to or if you were the prom queen/most valuable football player. They only care that you show up to class and complete your assignments on time. They also do not care that your high school failed to teach you anything academically. College is about finding who you are, and that sometimes mean holding on by tooth-and-nail to establish your place in life.
  3. God has someone special for all of us. If you are married, than hopefully that means you are truly with the love of your life and saved yourself for them. I have learned the hard way that dating can sometimes end in ,well, disaster. I am thankful for the experience I have had (and am continuing to have) dating, but I have come the the full realization that God has my best interest in mind. He isn't going to put me with someone romantically that downs my morals or holds me from the things He has for me. God is awesome and what He has for us is awesome. He simply asks that we live for him and give him the “pen to our lives”, in all situations. I am content with Jesus and am waiting for God's man and plan for me
  4. No one is going to do life for you; you have to work hard and do it for yourself. I have been taught that I can do anything I put my mind too do. I have accomplished so much in my college years; I have steadily worked towards losing 100lbs, held good jobs, and I am graduating college in exactly 4 years. Whether you think it or not, these days, that is a HUGE deal! I did these things on my own. No one was there to spoon feed me help. Determination and drive is the key to accomplishing your dreams.
Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:12

God has equipped each and everyone one of us with special gifts and talents. It is up to us to recognize those talents and use them totally and completely live for him, no matter how old you are. I realize that everyone has a different calling. I feel called to use the voice and personality God has equipped me with to be the salt and light in the dark world of television. I feel that God is going to never going to give up on His children, no matter our age or stage in life. We all are in different life places, but what matters is taking advantage of the moment and living it to the fullest!
            “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
         Dr. Seuss

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The light at the end of the school tunnel is getting closer and closer. I can almost see the destination at the end but not quite yet. It is all in timing…The time isn’t here yet for me to know my future, not just yet. Ever wonder what you would do if you were given three wishes? I think of it quite often; first I would do the given, wish for more wishes. If that wasn’t possible, I would wish I could have just a small glimpse into the future. Just one small glimpse would really satisfy my heart right? I mean, who wouldn’t want to know where they will be in one, five, or ten years?  
I busted my way into this world with a fire lit under my feet. At times that fire dims more than others, but in all-in-all, I live my life in a busy ball of craziness. But let’s get real; I really wouldn’t have it any other way. I went to college with one goal in mind; finish in four years, become a television news reporter and serve the name of Jesus Christ.  I have fought long and hard to keep myself on track with this plan. Although, in the craziness of attempting to get everything I needed to get accomplished in four years, I worked multiple jobs, managed to lose 100 lbs and met many of new life-long friends.  But the subject still lingers, timing.
Sometimes my timing is simply not the Lord’s. I desire for things to happen in my life when I want them to happen. I think precious Jesus has a sense of humor; so many times in life, I have worked hard to make my plans succeed and I am sure He is up there just giggling at my attempts. I kind of look at life like the relationship between a train and its conductor. The train is sure and safe if it stays on course; it will travel up and down roads all day long just fine and dandy as long as the conductor keeps its straight and narrow. But here is the problem, when a train gets to a fork in the road, which way will it go? The conductor ultimately has the choice of which way the train goes, making the precious train simply along for the ride.  I think about that train, one would normally think it was the one in the “relationship” that was so important. I mean think about it, the train is the one doing the work, carrying the cargo, burning that coal. But look at the conductor; at the end of the day, the train doesn’t run without his guiding hand.
We are given 24 hours in a day, 24! That seems like a lot but we all know it is never enough. I work so hard to take my 24 hours and plan, schedule and arrange it in the most useful way I know how. However, at the end of the day, no matter how many times I look at my watch, I only have 24 hours to get everything done. Sweet Jesus desires us to devote our 24 hours to him. Just as I have to spend my days relying on my planer to tell me when I am suppose to go to and from the next event, Jesus is our own personal planner. He loves when we come to him to schedule our lives, plan out our course and ultimately trust in HIS timing.
I am fully aware that I will not ever get my three wishes. I know and accept that the fun part of life does never know exactly where God (our Conductor) will lead us. I do my best to start my day by asking the sweet Lord to take the time given to me and use it to honor His kingdom. But can’t you see… I don’t need wishes. I serve a loving a gracious Father who is leading my steps and even in the moments when I am unsure why something did or didn’t happen, when I can’t exactly tell where I will be in the next six months or why I can’t see into the future, I know that I am simply a train on this course of life. I look forward to that day when my Conductor stands in the clouds and yells “All Aboard”, but until that day, I am simply a train on this track of life. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Then and Now..My Life Journey So Far

  .......If I could put my life into words, if I would simply say something that would describe me-the real me- it would be in the following words…
                At only twenty years of age, I do not say my life has been long and hard. I am still learning and growing; however, the amounts of time I have lived have not always been the easiest. My life I have struggled with an angry beast in my life, the beast of weight. This beast is ferocious, and if allowed, this beast will take one’s life and transform it into something sad and utterly depressing; this was my life.
                I have always struggled to be the girl that others found as funny or intriguing. I can count all the times, on one hand, the times in my life I felt pretty; undeniably beauty is what I struggled in finding. I was the girl people went out to eat greasy food with because I would eat till I was literally sick and not judge you for the quantity you also consumed. I was the girl people saw as “safe” because I was 75 lbs over weight so sure, of course no one would really look at me in any form of interesting way. I was the girl parents knew was safe; that somehow if Grace Oaks was there, well then we must be following all the rules.
                So see that has always been my life; “Grace Oaks, the safe girl”; I am not complaining with this title, I simply just always used it as my excuse. Oh man did I ever have excuses; “I can’t I am overweight”; “I can’t eat healthy, I can’t cook”, the list goes on and on…
                I found pleasure in life through cupcakes, chocolate pie, fried chicken… But see, doesn’t all of those things sound completely delicious?! I thought so, too! My problem was this—I was putting my identity in food; putting my identity in my-self image; putting my identity in me!
                Don’t get me wrong, I am a confidant person. If one meets me, they will probably think of how I never meet a stranger and seem like I have my life together. But here is the secret, I didn’t. I was a scared and lonely girl who hit behind the identity of food and humor as my “crutch”. If only I could make them laugh, if only I could make them forget my weight for two seconds we can have a good time! …
                I allowed this addiction to finding my identity define who I really was; but then again, who REALLY was I?... I read this book, When God Writes Your Love Story, by Eric and Leslie Ludy, and goodness did this book every change my life. Through the usage of God’s word, I began to realize I actually have a identity; it is in Jesus Christ, my Savior, my God, my friend. So why exactly was I putting my body through physical torment when, according to the Bible, I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139: 14).
                I was determined to end this torment to my physical being; stop trying to put my pleasure and desires in non essential things, like food, when God is saying “Grace here I am to offer you love and peace.” Like really Grace? Really?! I decided to take control of my life; well actually I decided to let God be in control of my life, to let go of the “pen” I was using to write my life story and let the one who created me write it. Wow! It is so awesome the difference it has made!
                Do I still make mistakes? Well yes; however, in those moments I do my best to learn from them and not repeat them. My life has been forever changed, and it is still changing. I made the decision to live healthy; not only physically but spiritually.
                To date… in a three years time I have lost close to 100 lbs! I do not say all of this to lift my name, I say all of it to make this point; “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” Philippians 4:13. Could I have lost weight on my own? Nope! Could I have said no to worldly temptations on own? Nope again! I am where I am today due to the fact I could NOT do it alone. I have an awesome friend, and fellow workout partner, that has been with me every step of the way. Morgan Jones, you are awesome, and I am so proud of the accomplishments you have made in your life and are continuing to make. And to my personal trainer, Allie Peterson, you have changed my life! Without you pushing me and encouraging me, I would still be that overweight girl drowning my sorrows in chocolate cake!
                My identity is no longer in having to be the “class clown” when I walk in a room, or having to be the girl that never turns a head. My identity is found in one source alone; the love of Jesus Christ my Savior. I am determined if I can lead my life down a healthy path so can you, all you have to do is JUS T DO IT!!! 

Friday, December 23, 2011


Merry Christmas!
    It is Christmas eve eve, ah! Almost time for the "big man" to come! This truley is the most wonderful time of year! I am totally OBSESSED with Christmas, so this season makes my heart wonderfully happy! This blog is devoted to just that, happiness! Being home for more than a weekend and not having to worry about a lick of school work, happy! Sitting around with my family watching a variety of Christmas movies that warm your heart, happy! Two words, Christmas.Lights...HAPPY! Being at the parents house and not having to by my own groceries, whew, happy! Meeting new friends and also getting to reunite with the old, overjoyed!
    But there is something about this time of year that makes me even more happy than all of these extreamly awesome things...getting to wish my Savior happy birthday! I love birthdays, ask anyone! I love making people feel special on their big day; I mean like, you're alive another year, that is a reason to celebrate! With that being said, why not take time to celebrate the birth of my best friend, Jesus! During the year, I think we, as a society, get caught up in the hub babaloo of life. We get to this time of year and do our duty of singing a few Christmas songs about Jesus's birth and call it a year. But see, that is where we are wrong. Christmas is the time where we celebrate the birth of Christ but the honoring of this Man should not stop there, he didn't. Jesus life didn't end at birth; nope! He continued to live a sinless life and did the ultimate sacrifice, he died for you and for me. So see, we shouldn't make the celebration of Jesus a one time thing, nope! We should make this time of year a BIG deal but at the same time, keep on with it the other 364 days a year!
   I hope you all have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I am so extreamly happy for everthing God has blessed me with in the year 2011 ,and I am overjoyed to see what the year 2012 has in store!
 --Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


         What a glorious day Thanksgiving 2011 has been. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends that I do not get to see quite as often. I enjoy eating homecooked meals that I didn't have to prepare, and completly not worrying about school for atleast 24 hours (always a plus)! But today has always been a day of reflection for me. The year 2011 has held so many changes in my life; from healthy lifestyle changes to whom God has placed in or removed from my life. I have a certain few, whom this time last year I hardly knew, that now mean the world to me; no matter if they are in Florence or in another state doing civil duties. I am so thankful God has placed Christ serving friends in my life who I have the priviledge of hanging out with. For you , I am very thankful.
        I have a family who I would stand up against any other; they are who I am. Don't get me wrong, all families are not perfect, we certainly are not. But we strive to serve not just one another but serve together in Christ. I am so thankful for Godly parents who have raised me to be the woman I am today. I am thankful for Christian loving grandparents who cared enough to cook food for me today (: I am thankful for my siblings, who even though sometimes we disagree, we can still laugh about pretty much anything! Gotta love good family inside jokes (;
        I am a daughter of Jesus Christ, who came and died for me (and you); He did that for me!! HOW AWESOME is that! I am so thankful for my Salvation. I hope you don't think I just say these things because it is a line from something I am trying to pull on you. Jesus Christ is my best friend. Do I fail him? Why of course I do, but I strive to life an edifying life for the one who gave ALL he had for me. Wow, how humbling!
        To all of those who serve our great country, I thank you! This past year God as allowed me to meet some amazing people, with a few of them being servicemen/women. They have helped me better appreciate the sacrifice so many make for our country and go so little noticed. That is not the case with me any longer. I am so thankful for the certain few friends I have that are currently serving. You are making a sacrifice I am not willing to make, and for that, my gratitude is ..well...there are no words.
      I am not perfect; God proves that to me everyday. But I strive to life a fullfilling life for the One who created me. So, today I am thankful for having another day to spend with my family, talk to my friends, Facebook creep and eat pie! I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday and continue to be thankful the other 364 days of the year!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Part of That World?

      Ariel from The Little Mermaid said it best when she said she simply wanted to be "part of that world". But do I really want to be a part of "the" world or simply live for Christ in His world? This made me think... my graduation is getting much closer than what I had originally thought. It is looking like I have roughly three semesters remaining then I will be a "big girl". That is CRAZY!!! Coming to this realization lit a fire under me the other day that has changed my perspective on many things. I want to be the best candidate for a future news reporter position that I can be. I want to travel the world, reporting on fascinating and interesting stories where I can. I truley feel God has placed a passion in me to "get out". I do not mean like literally pack my bags and leave tomorrow, but I have just always felt this fire and passion to go BIGGER and BETTER!! But not only do I want to go big or go home in this world, but I want to make a difference...a difference for Christ!
           With upcoming internships, job shadowing and future job positions, I am already praying that God will place me where HE wants me, not where I want. I have came to a place in my walk with Christ and in life that I am willing to go wherever the Lord leads, whether that is in my hometown or thousands of miles away. Everyday I realize more and more how blessed I am to live in a free country, have been raised by a Christian family and be attending the school that God has chosen for me. So many times I know I am unappreciative for what God has given to me but I desire to simply live for Him. It is never easy to live a devoted life for Christ, sometimes it takes courage to stand firm. One of the verses that has really been on my mind recently is found in Deuteronomy 31:6. This verse states, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” When it comes to thinking about graduating, future job positions or even future relationships, I can get myself all worked up. But I have come to realize through this verse God commands me to be courageous for I know that He will never leave me nor forsake me!
         So yes, I desire to be a part of that world, the world of TV news and television, but not a part of "that" world. I feel called and a strong desire to be set a part in this world. This blog is nothing very special, just simply a few things that have been on my heart recently. My prayer today is that I can used by Christ to impact the world in ways He wants, not my own desires. I pray that other Christians will realize this as well and make a stand for the cause of Christ. The chorus of the new song entitled "Courageous" by Casting Crowns goes as follows:
      We were made to be courageous
      And we're taking back the fight
     We were made to be courageous
     And it starts with us tonight
Will you be courageous today for the cause of Christ and decide to be a part of His world and not your own?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Little Bit of This..

    Hellooo to a new school year! I can not, I repeat can NOT believe I am in my third year of college. Whew, where has the time gone! I am so excited about what God has instore for this upcoming year! I love new semesters; I love meeting new people, restoring old friendships and getting to advance my education (I know I am a school nerd). But really, I am very excited for what the 2011-2012 school year is going to bring. Since my last post, I had the wonderful opportunity to go on my first mission trip ever down. I went to Tuscaloosa and help build two Habitat for Humanity homes for families who had lost everything in the April tornadoes! Wow, what a humbling experiance that was. I spent most days doing interior work, which meant building safe rooms in the houses. That work included endless hours of drilling and nailing into metal, whew were my arms SORE! I have never been more tired than I was that week (or had flat hair for that long of a period of time, ha) buuuut it was worth every second! It made me want to do more mission work more often! It is an amazing feeling to know you are smack dab in the middle of Christ plan, doing His work!
     With getting back into the swing of things for school, I was a slight bit nervious how this year was going to go. This summer brought a lot of changes in my life. I really felt my heart changing towards different things, interest and people. I did not know how things were going to go once everyone was back into town. However, we serve a really cool God. He took some areas in my life that I was so nervious about and turned them into good. God is doing some really amazing things through the lives of some of fellow Christian friends on campus right now! I can see it, I can feel it and I can sense His prescence!
     I have fully started being in my major now in school, which is Broadcast Journalism, and so far, I am loving it! As a little girl, I always wanted to be a news reporter; I use to stay up late at night just to watch the news before I went to bed (I know I know I am a nerd). But really, it has always been my dream, and now to see my dream coming true is very surreal! Like, I get so excited thinking I am going to get to hopefully travel the nation reporting news..ahh!! My dream is D.C., but we shall see where God leads!
     Thanks for reading my blog..nothing to too fancy in this one, just a little piece of my brain! I am sure throughout the semester I will write more...well, that is if I have time (: